stress free
car buying service
07846 876544
We take all the stress out of searching endless websites and visiting dealerships. We specialise in affordable motoring, finding great, well priced cars for all. Fill in your details below and submit the form and we’ll get back to you within 48 hours. It’s as easy as 1,2,3!
1. Dream it
Tell us what you need using our form, whether it’s a small first car or you need extra space for a growing family or a stylish stunner, we’ll find it.
2. See it
We’ll do all the hard work, searching high and low and come back to you with a selection of vehicles that meet your brief, all checked for their history and inspected to ensure there are no major faults. We will provide you with photos of the car, inside and out so you can get to see what it’s like.
3. Buy it
We will purchase your chosen car for you, and it will be delivered with an MOT, service and fully valeted, all included in the price!

1. Dream it. tell us what you're looking for

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We will contact you to arrange a convenient time to talk through your results with you.

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Prefer to chat? call us!

You might know exactly what you’re looking for, if so please call us – or if you’re completely unsure of what you want, a quick chat with one of the team will give us an idea of what would suit you and we’ll provide you with several options that we know you’ll love.

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